Spring Crafts for Kids

February 11, 2025

Spring is here! It’s probably one of the most exciting seasons not just because of spring break. The flowers start to bloom and the days start to get warmer. There are more life and energy during spring and it makes everyone happier. With this, keep the energy high through some fun spring crafts. Here are some ideas to get you started: Tissue Cherry Blossom Tree This is an easy yet decorative project that the kids can take pride in. It encourages them to venture outside, especially with the good weather. For this crafting project, you’ll need some branches, pink tissue paper, scissors, and white glue. Once you’ve gathered enough branches, cut small two varying sized squares of pink tissue. Group them into fives and pinch them in the middle to create a cherry blossom shape. Fluff the tip and attach the petals to the branches with glue. Space the petals accordingly to give a more realistic look. Once you’ve finished gluing your petals to the branches, place them in a large vase and display in your dining or living room. You can also opt for different shades of pink to add depth to your tree. Stained Glass Kite Stained glass crafts are easy and fun to do. When the sun starts to shine outside, it especially makes the stained glass more beautiful. This can be put in the window in their own bedrooms. Stained glass kites will look awesome on a window. To do this, you’ll need assorted colors of tissue paper, clear contact paper, scissors, and strips of black construction paper. To make the kite, use the black construction paper as a kite frame. Put the frame into one clear contact paper, with the sticky side up. Cover the kite with the cut-out tissue paper squares. Once the kite is completely covered, seal it with another piece of clear contact paper. Cut out the kite shape and staple a piece of yarn as the kite’s tail. Tape it on your window for a more colorful décor. Recycled Carton Plant House Dress up little indoor plants for spring with this recycled carton plant house. This is a mini take on container gardening that can be a good project for kids to take. You’ll need recycled juice or milk cartons, a pencil, scissors, paint brushes, acrylic craft paint, black markers, succulent cuttings or spider plant babies and some soil. To start, cut off the top of the milk carton and clean it with warm soapy water. After drying, paint it with your color of choice and completely cover the print with two or three layers. Once they’re dry, draw the roof, windows and a door on the carton with a pencil. Trace the pencil drawing with the black marker then cut the excess carton. Fill them with soil and plant your small plant of choice. 3D Paper Daisy Everybody loves flowers in the springtime. Making 3D paper flowers is an easy craft that kids of all ages can do. You’ll need a yellow paper, different colors of construction paper, scissors, glue, green paper straw, and tape. Cut big circles from the yellow paper. One circle will be used for one flower. Cut as many circles as you would like. Then, cut strips of colored paper for your petals. You can use different lengths and widths as this will add dimension to your flower. Make as many as you can depending on the size of your circle. Loop the strips by gluing both ends together. Glue these loops on one side of the circle. Put as many loops as you can until you’re happy with the fullness of the paper flower. Once you’re done, tape a green paper straw in the middle of the loops as the stem. Spring is the perfect time for outdoor play and DIY projects. It’s just a fun season for everyone! Make the most out of this weather and enjoy with the kids by doing some spring crafts with them.
